Don Herron was born in Detroit, but most of his life has been spent in and around San Francisco. Best known for operating The Dashiell Hammett Tour since 1977, guiding generations of Sam Spade fans up and down the mean streets, he wrote The Literary World of San Francisco for City Lights Books, and as an editor broke enormous stacks of the selected letters of Philip K. Dick into six volumes. Among other things.
Don met the cult crime legend Charles Willeford when he came out on the Hammett tour, and subsequently wrote the book Willeford for hardback publication by Dennis McMillan in 1992. He also contributed a neo-Black Mask story to Dennis’ monumental collection Measures of Poison. The thirtieth anniversary edition of his The Dashiell Hammett Tour is in print from Vince Emery Books.
For the Down & Out Books version of Willeford, Don went over the whole shebang for a fully revised and corrected second edition. You can read more about his activities at: