This classic story of bad decisions leading to worse consequences takes place in a small Illinois Rust Belt city circa 1979.
Al Heidorn is a working stiff, a Korean War vet and recently divorced father of three whose life is unraveling from decades of drinking and neglect. Now Al is determined to start over and put things right.
But that’s easier said than done. Rather than get his life on track Al makes a tragic decision that seems likely to haunt him for the rest of his days.
Will he find redemption or will he squander the only thing that he has yet to lose—his young daughter’s love and life?
Critical Acclaim for So Many Things To Bury:
“There’s not anything good about Al Heidorns’s life. Falling apart at the seams, Al’s just not boy scout material. Heidorn has no where to go but six feet under. Chris Orlet’s story is filled with top-notch witty prose and humor until the reality of Heidorn’s choices leaves no one laughing. High fives for Orlet, a worthy author, who makes it clear some people continually make bad decisions.” —Wil A. Emerson, bestselling short story author
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