CATAWBA POINT by Colin Campbell


CATAWBA POINT by Colin Campbell, A Jim Grant Thriller, 7th in series (June 2020)

• Trade Paperback (ISBN-13: 978-1-64396-105-7) — $16.95 includes FREE digital formats!
• eBook Formats — $6.99

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When Jim Grant’s flight home to give evidence about Snake Pass is cancelled he is diverted via Charlotte NC. But missing that flight too he is forced to spend a 3-day layover at a seedy motel on the outskirts of town.

All Grant wants is a good night’s sleep, but with a skinny hooker and her pimp causing trouble along the hall that isn’t going to happen. Maybe throwing the pimp over the balcony wasn’t such a good idea but the flying pimp is just the start of Grant’s problems. After a fire in his room and the hooker in hospital Grant is in the crosshairs of an ambitious detective. With the help of a local cab driver and the woman running a phone shop he manages to learn what the pimp was really up to. Leading him to a gang of white supremacists and their training camp at Catawba Point.

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