ALL THE WAY DOWN by Eric Beetner


ALL THE WAY DOWN by Eric Beetner (January 2019)

• Trade Paperback (ISBN-13: 978-1-64396-010-4) — $16.95 includes FREE digital formats!
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Dale is a crooked cop. It started slow, but grew like a cancer and now he can’t get out from under the thumb of Tat, a would-be kingpin in every vice he can turn a profit with.

And now Dale’s number is up – the top brass knows. But instead of getting busted, Dale gets an offer. The mayor’s daughter is being held by Tat in his fortress built from an abandoned office tower. They want her back but if they storm the gates, Lauren is as good as dead. So they’re sending Dale on what could very likely be a suicide mission: infiltrate Tat’s fortress and bring her out alive.

If the Mayor even really wants her alive…

Floor by floor Dale and Lauren have to fight off an increasingly difficult and dangerous set of obstacles.

Meanwhile, Dale’s wife has her own troubles and some of the drug kingpin’s goons are only adding to an already rough day.

The clock is ticking down along with the floors of the building and escape is looking less and less likely. But to save her, and to save himself, he must make it all the way down.

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Trade Paperback (plus shipping), eBook Formats


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