New from Down & Out Books: Dark of the Day: Eclipse Stories edited by Kaye George

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Dark of the Day: Eclipse Stories edited by Kaye George

Publication Date: April 01, 2024

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Synopsis … An anthology of stories to celebrate the April 2024 eclipse in North America. These stories are located in various places and are even of various genres and themes. What they have in common, besides featuring eclipses, are that they are all written by brilliant authors and will all entertain you. Read them before the eclipse, to get into the mood, or after, to nostalgically remember it.

During the darkness, all manner of things can happen. When people are distracted by this spectacular celestial event, criminals can operate unimpeded, they can also be caught.

Trips to see the event can lead to disaster, or they can save the day. And the science of looking at the sun becomes important when a partner strays.

The event can mean many different things to a disaster cult, to drug-dealing Russians, to an artist striving for his grand opus.

It spreads across the country to, maybe, give confirmation to a program to analyze the universe, to give a gift to a mermaid in an abandoned water park, to show what the crazy guy at the fast food place is really like, to help a young girl find her way.

As a not-so-clever crime goes awry, a hike to view the spectacle is interrupted.

Contributors include Cari Dubiel, Katherine Tomlinson, Carol L. Wright, Joseph S. Walker, John Rogers Clark IV, M. K. Waller, Toni Goodyear, Laura Oles, Bridges DelPonte, Eric Beckstrom, Kaye George, Paula Gail Benson, John M. Floyd, Debra H. Goldstein, Michael Bracken, and James A. Hearn.