THE ABRUM FILES by Beau Johnson Hits Number #1 in Sales on Amazon!

The Abrum Files by Beau Johnson

THE ABRUM FILES by Beau Johnson
A Bishop Rider Book
Publication Date: October 09, 2023

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Congratulations to Beau Johnson for hitting the top spot on Amazon Noir New Releases in his home country of Canada for his new crime story collection THE ABRUM FILES.

And the critical acclaim for Beau’s book keeps coming in …

The Abrum Files is more than just a collection. It’s a statement. The mission continues. The guilty must face their fate. Love and Blood are both spilled across the pages.” —S.A. Cosby, bestselling author of All The Sinners Bleed and Razorblade Tears

“If Andrew Vachss threw out his keyboard and somehow learned how to write on a chainsaw, then you get an idea of how Beau Johnson tells a tale. I don’t know if Grindhouse Noir is even a thing, but if it is, Johnson is the king.” —Todd Robinson, author of The Hard Bounce and Rough Trade

“Dark, bloody, and full of Hell, The Abrum Files is line after line of pure, uncut, chainsaw noir. I loved it!” —Paul J. Garth, author of The Low White Plain

“Violent though it may be, I’m chalking The Abrum Files up as one of my feel-good books of the year. In a world where this seems increasingly doubtful, we are reminded in these stories, time and again, that actions still have consequences. It’s not simply enjoyable fiction, it’s arguably vital. Beau Johnson is the poet laureate of vengeance and righteous anger.” —C. Matthew Smith, author of Twentymile

“Beau Johnson’s newest novel, The Abrum Files, is chock-full of Old Testament-style justice and picks up right where his Bishop Rider series left off. Jeramiah Abrum is one bad good dude!” —Eli Cranor, author of the Edgar Award-winning Don’t Know Tough and Ozark Dogs

“With every book, Beau Johnson continues to deliver the hardest-core noir out there. Call it Chainsaw Noir: funny, dark and bloody, but with a moral heart beating beneath it all.” —Nick Kolakowski, author of Love & Bullets and Payback Is Forever

“With The Abrum Files: A Bishop Rider Book, Johnson makes you feel dirty, deranged and evokes a visceral reaction with each and every story. It runs the gamut of emotions—sorrow, remorse and elation—all the while knowing that you’re in the steady hands of Johnson’s pristine prose. This will make fans of Bishop Rider very happy.” —Steve Stred, author of Mastodon, Father of Lies, and Churn the Soil

The Abrum Files is Beau Johnson doing what he does best: demonstrating his innate understanding of the power of crime fiction—that once you crack through a sternum and scrape away the muck and the grime you find the truest aspects of humanity beating underneath.” —Rob Hart, author of The Warehouse and The Paradox Hotel

“Beau Johnson is back, baby, and more ruthless than ever. More kills, more pain, more satisfyingly gruesome tidbits to whet your appetite for justice. The Abrum Files showcases Johnson’s razor-sharp wit and brass-knuckle skills for storytelling, each brief story giving the exact amount to keep reader’s turning pages. Whether Bishop Rider lives or not, I’m happy as long as Johnson is setting pen to paper.” —Laurel Hightower, author of Crossroads and Below

“Equal parts terrifying, horrifying, exhilarating, and relentless, The Abrum Files is a roller coaster ride into the cavernous recesses of the worst of mankind. No one writes more viscerally about violence and its emotional toll than Beau Johnson, and his latest is another brutal dose of righteous vengeance that will leave you ragged and begging for more.” —James D.F. Hannah, author of the Henry Malone thriller series

“This is true pulp—like a body fed into a wood chipper. Beau Johnson could have sang war songs for barbarian kings if he’d been born at the right time. But he’s been born in this wicked world instead, and so he’s given us these: Bullets and axes, bone shards and blood spatter, pain lighting up nerves like an electric chair. The most fun I’ve had reading hardboiled crime fiction in a long time.” —Jordan Harper, Edgar Award-winning author