Crimespree Magazine #51

Crimespree Magazine #51 is shipping and now available for purchase on your ebook reader.

William Kent Krueger is featured on the cover and interviewed by Jeremy Lynch. Duane Swiecrzynski talks to Dan Malmon about his latest book while Dana Cameron talks with Kate Malmon. Steven Torres interviews Manuel Ramos and M.J. Rose chats with David J. Montgomery. Short fiction is supplied by G. Miki Hayden and Manuel Ramos.

There are three “Behind the Book” pieces in this issue: Dana Cameron, Bill Loehfelm and J.L. Abramo. Kent Harrington offers up “A Rendezvous with Evil.”

Oops, almost forgot the usual suspects are included for your enjoyment: Reed Farrel Coleman, Linda Brown, Craig McDonald, Jeremy Lynch, Ayo Onatade and Amy Alessio. You get Buzzbin, Book Reviews, Crimespree on Comics and Cooking with Crimespree appear as well.

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