Richard Barre’s BURNING MOON

Down & Out Books proudly releases BURNING MOON, the 5th Wil Hardesty novel by Richard Barre.

The California Coast: Off San Miguel Island a fishing boat struggles in the battering-ram seas and blinding rain of a sudden squall…

On the beach near his home, private investigator Wil Hardesty is approached by a Vietnamese fisherman. Vinh Tien is not convinced the disappearance at sea of his only son was the accident it was ruled. His son had fallen in with evil personified: a man who came to America the same time Vinh did, a Vietnamese boat person like himself…

For once at peace with his dead, Wil resists digging up the ghosts of those he fought and bled with in-country. But he is moved by Vinh Tien’s hardship and loss. For Wil, too, has lost a son to the ocean…

What Wil discovers brings him into a shadowy world of Asian gangs–dragons that prey upon their own–contraband of the most insidious sort, corruption that reaches unexpected heights…played out against a background as exotic as the Vietnamese culture, as violent as the code of secrecy and prejudice that veils the truth Wil must find before a ghost-killer finds him.

Included in this edition are sample chapter from Lono Waiwaiole’s WILEY’S LAMENT, Trey R. Barker’s ROAD GIG: A NOVELLA and Bill Moody’s CZECHMATE: THE SPY WHO PLAYED JAZZ.

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